2022-08-19 20:40:08 By : Mr. Andrew Wei

InstaLinks :  help you think beyond the issue but relevant to the issue from UPSC prelims and Mains exam point of view. These linkages provided in this ‘hint’ format help you frame possible questions in your mind that might arise(or an examiner might imagine) from each current event. InstaLinks also connect every issue to their static or theoretical background. This helps you study a topic holistically and add new dimensions to every current event to help you think analytically

1. EU proposal to revive the nuclear deal

Content for Mains Enrichment (Essay/Ethics)

1. Two IPS Officers Who Won International Awards in Groundbreaking Policing

1. Chevalier de la Legion of d’Honneur

3. Government to enumerate people who clean sewers

8. National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM)

11. Extremely aged remnant of galaxies

Syllabus: Bilateral, regional and global grouping involving India or affecting India, JCOP etc

Q. In what ways would the ongoing US-Iran Nuclear Pact Controversy affect the national interest of India? How should India respond to its situation? (UPSC 2018)

Which of the following is/are part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)?

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

Refer to the table above

Syllabus: Indian Economy and issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources

Direction: Go through it once

Context:  It is an opinion piece arguing that India has strong economic fundamentals and better demographic composition to help it make a prosperous country in the next two decades.

4 fold increase in its per capita income (to come under upper middle-class countries) is possible if:

Growth Matters but Income level matters more

Q.“ Economic growth is a precondition for inclusive growth”, Do you agree? Analyse.

With the reference to the Indian economy after the 1991 economic liberalization, consider the following statements: (UPSC 2020)

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

After the LPG reforms of 1991, it is inevitable that the rural/agriculture workforce would start shifting towards urban/non-Agri sectors. So 2 is wrong and 3 is correct. The steady transition to urbanization over the years is leading to the decline in the rural share of the population, workforce and GDP of the country. 4 is correct.

Context: In a recent incident, a Bengaluru woman goes to Delhi HC to stop a friend’s euthanasia trip to Europe.

According to a petition filed before the court, the man has been suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since 2014 and is allegedly planning to travel to Switzerland for physician-assisted suicide as the option is not available in India.

The term “euthanasia” is derived from Greek, literally meaning “good death”. Taken in its common usage, however, euthanasia refers to the termination of a person’s life, to end their suffering, usually from an incurable or terminal condition. It is for this reason that euthanasia was also coined the name “mercy killing”.

Acts of euthanasia are further categorized as “voluntary”, “involuntary” and “non-voluntary.”

Arguments for and against euthanasia

Euthanasia is illegal in most countries (e.g. UK, USA).

SC (Gian Kaur v. State of Punjab) it was held by the five judge bench of the Supreme Court that the “right to life” guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution does not include the “right to die”.

Distinguishing euthanasia from suicide:  Suicide by its nature is an act of self-killing or self-destruction, an act of terminating one’s own act and without the aid or assistance of any other human agency.

Chronic fatigue syndrome: Also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is a serious and debilitating disease that affects the nervous system, the immune system and the body’s production of energy, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Direction: These examples can be used in Ethics answer writing – try giving diversified examples which will help in fetching more marks.

SP Santosh Kumar Singh and SP Amit Kumar will receive the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)’s 2021 ‘40 Under 40’ Award for their exemplary policing work in Chhattisgarh and UP.

Initiatives taken by SP Santosh Kumar Singh (Chhattisgarh)

Initiatives taken by SP Amit Kumar (Uttar Pradesh)

French Government’s highest civilian award “Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur” was presented to Congress leader Shashi Tharoor. This honour is being conferred to him because he delivered a speech in French in 2021. Shashi Tharoor had also received a similar honour “the ‘Encomienda de la Real Order Espanola de Carlos III”, by the Spanish Government in 2010.

Direction: just go through it once. Not so important

Nethanna Bima Scheme was launched recently by Chief Minister of Telangana K Chandrashekhar Rao, on the occasion of National Handloom Day. 

Under the scheme, the government will provide Rs 5 lakh insurance cover to the families of the weaver, in case of the unfortunate death of the eligible beneficiary.

Telangana state department of handlooms and textiles is the nodal agency for its implementation.

To Provide financial assistance, the government launched the following flagship programmes;

NAMASTE (National Action Plan for Mechanized Sanitation Ecosystem) Scheme:

To read about AMRUT Scheme: click here

Source: Business Standards, Live Mint

Direction: Go through it once

Context: RBI has released guidelines to regulate digital lending based on the recommendation of the working group on ‘digital lending’ (2021)

Definition: Digital Lending involves lending through web platforms or mobile apps, utilizing technology for authentication and credit evaluation.

Need for regulation: There have been instances of breach of data, unfair business practices, frauds, widespread defaults, digital unawareness and high-handed loan recovery practices by digital lenders.

Digital Currency: As per UNCTAD, Indians were 7th (out of 20 global economies) in the use of digital currency. Only 7.3% of the population in India owned digital currency)

Fig: Process of digital lending

Direction: Government ‘core’ schemes are important

Context: As per the Ministry of Finance’s new direction, all income-tax payers will not be eligible to join APY from October 1.

Launched in 2015, it aimed at creating a universal social security system for all Indians ( esp. focused on the poor, under-privileged and workers in the unorganized sector). It has over 2 crore subscribers

Direction: Already covered it a few months back. Just read it once.

Context: The government has been supplying fortified rice for one year.

Background: Government last year announced Fortified Rice would be used in every scheme of the Government of India throughout the country by 2024 in a phased manner.

Definition: Rice fortification is the process of adding fortified rice kernels (FRK) containing micronutrients such as – Iron, Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid- in the ratio of 1:100 (i.e. 1 part micronutrients and 100 parts rice) at the time of milling.

Benefits: fortification of rice is a cost-effective and complementary strategy to increase vitamin and mineral content in diets. This will help in fighting high levels of malnutrition in the country.

Issues: Evidence of benefits of fortification are inconclusive; it could lead to ‘hypervitaminosis’ (high level of vitamins); dietary diversity is a much better alternative to fortification.

Context: NIPAM has till now imparted IP awareness training to over 1 million students.

It is aimed at imparting IP awareness and basic training for students (class 8 to 12) to inculcate the spirit of creativity and innovations. It was launched in 2021 as part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”.

Definition: Intellectual property rights (IPR) are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names and images used in commerce.

Nodal Agency: Intellectual Property Office ( under Ministry of Commerce and Industry)

National IPR Policy (adopted in 2016): It gave an institutional mechanism for the implementation of IPR. CIPAM (cell for IPR promotion and management) is the implementation agency for National IPR Policy.

Direction: It is important for prelims. Do keep a note of the features of prominent animals.

Context: World Elephant Day on August 12 to raise awareness about the plight of elephants and the need to protect them.

Q.With reference to Indian elephants, consider the following statements: (UPSC 2020)

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

The leader of the elephant is the Oldest Female. The gestation period is 22 months and gives birth to a single baby. The life expectancy of the elephant is 70 years (becomes an adult at 18). Karnataka has the highest number of elephants followed by Kerela.

Direction: Just go through it once. Not so important

Context: High price of Petro/Diesel have led to farmers preferring native breed for draught.

Ongole breed of cattle had remained indispensable native breed for all farm operations for centuries in Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh in view of their draught power.

Direction: Understand the process of evolution of the earth.

Context: A team of Indian astronomers from Pune have discovered extremely aged remnant fossil ‘lobes’ of a radio galaxy that had become active about 260 million years ago.

Radio Galaxies: A radio galaxy is a galaxy with giant regions of radio emission extending well beyond its visible structure. These energetic radio lobes are powered by jets from their active galactic nucleus.

Phenomena: Each massive galaxy of stars contained a supermassive black hole in its core, which produces jets of charged particles in two opposite directions, once it is active. This relativistic plasma blows huge volumes into the surrounding space, called ‘lobes’, having emerged from the tip of the jet.

Significance: Studying such relics or fossil lobes reveal how much energy was pumped into these fossil lobes. The study of such radio galaxies and their giant fossil lobes help us find the evolutionary history of the universe.

Direction: Glance through it once. Don’t overthink such exercises.

Context: The United States, Indonesia, Australia, Japan and Singaporean militaries have begun annual joint combat exercises on Indonesia’s Sumatra Island.

Concerns: The expanded drills are seen by China as a threat. Chinese state media have accused the U.S. of building an Indo-Pacific alliance, similar to NATO, as a means to intentionally provoke conflict.

Garuda Shakti Exercise: Garuda Shakti is a bilateral exercise between the special forces of the armies of India and Indonesia.

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